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Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Safety

If you love riding your motorcycle you know that although it is thrilling and exciting, it is also associated with a great number of accidents and injuries. That is why the legal team of Kirakosian Law, APC wants you to have safety in mind every time you get on your bike. Should you find yourself involved in a motorcycle accident and suffer injuries, give us a call and tell us about your case. Call us today.

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Practice Motorcycle Safety

At Kirakosian Law, we recommend that all motorcycle riders practice safety while riding every single time. By taking safety precautions, you can enjoy your ride and get to your destination without incident. Here are some ideas on how to get on the path to safety.

Take a Safety Course

You may know some rules of the road and assume others, but there is nothing like taking a course and dispelling all doubts. In the safety course, you will not only learn about the rules but will also hear about what actions you can take during unpredictable and unexpected situations. You will also learn about the importance of exercising good judgment and skill when you have other drivers around you.

Get In the Habit of Checking the Weather

You know that riding on roads that are wet or icy makes things more dangerous. Get into the habit of checking the weather before heading out. Unless you are facing an emergency, you may be able to wait out the bad weather and get to your destination under much more favorable conditions.

Wear Appropriate Gear

Motorcycle gear is not only designed to offer you protection from the elements, but it can also prevent road rash in the event of an accident. Take the time to get a DOT-approved helmet, the right goggles, and durable clothing. This can include a leather jacket and leather pants or chaps. Also, nonslip gloves and boots that cover your ankles. Adjust the number of layers in your outfit to match the outside temperature.

Don’t Assume that Your Motorcycle Is Safe Before Every Ride

Another good habit you should practice is to inspect your bike before riding out. Your aim is to make sure you will be riding a safe motorcycle. To do this, start by checking the headlights and turn signals. Also check the brakes, tire pressure, mirrors, fuel and oil levels, horn, and handlebars. Only get on your motorcycle if all these elements are to your satisfaction.

Obey all Traffic Signals and Rules

Keep to the marked speed limits because speeding has been found to be one of the most significant causes of motorcycle accidents. Respect all traffic signs and don’t forget to use your turn signals.

Don’t Assume that Other Drivers Can See You

Car and truck drivers are more engaged with the operation of their own vehicles than with someone riding a motorcycle around them. It is up to you to never make yourself vulnerable when there are other drivers around. Be aware of the blind spots of the drivers around you, turn on your headlights in low-light conditions, and if your clothing does not have reflective elements, you can add them. Use turn and hand signals regularly.

Be Aware of Road Conditions

Don’t assume that the way the road was yesterday will be the same way it will be today. Construction may start at any time, obstacles might have been dropped, a new pothole might have opened up, and, in general, you should not assume that nothing changes from one day to the next. Always pay attention to the road and your surroundings.

Call Kirakosian Law, APC

Sometimes, the simple fact that you carried a first-aid kit with you when the accident happened, might be enough to take care of the injury. In other cases, the accident is so severe and the injuries so extensive, that you need an expert legal team by your side.

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident and suffer injuries, make an appointment with Kirakosian Law to talk about your case. Our personal injury lawyer will listen to your story and offer you the best path to move forward with your case. We will conduct a thorough investigation into the accident, gather all evidence including police reports and medical records, and build a strong case on your behalf.

You may be entitled to compensation to cover your medical expenses and the wages you have lost by being unable to work while recovering from your injuries. You may also recover the cost of your bike and the gear that got damaged in the crash. And if you are experiencing pain and suffering, stress, and anxiety, this can also be added to your claim. Schedule an appointment with Karakosian Law, APC today.

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