4 Must Read Tips From a Glendale Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you are a motorcyclist then you have to read these 4 must read tips by Glendale motorcycle accident attorney, Greg Kirakosian. In this article you’ll see: Why you need the right motorcycle accident attorney after a crash How to find the right lawyer who has experience with motorcycle accidents What to expect from your […]
Reclamos sobre “persecución maliciosa” en California

En California, la persecución maliciosa es aplicable si: Una persona presenta un reclamo frívolo contra otra persona Este reclamo no fue presentado para ganar, sino para otro propósito La persona contra la que se presentó el reclamo sufrió daños por causa de ella Pero esa es la respuesta corta. Ahora bien, ¿cómo sabe si USTED […]
Las Diferencias Entre Un Caso Penal y Un Caso Civil

En el sentido más amplio, hay dos tipos de casos: un caso penal o un caso civil. Cada vez que una persona enfrenta un cargo penal, necesita un abogado penalista. Sin embargo, diferentes tipos de casos civiles requieren un tipo diferente de abogado civil. Caso Criminal Caso Civil – Delitos contra la ley estatal– Culpable/No […]
Persecución Maliciosa en California

Cuando eres el objetivo de una persona mezquina que quiere hacerte la vida más difícil, a veces puede sentir que no tiene el control. Sin embargo, existen técnicas legales que pueden ayudar a las personas defendiéndose contra acusaciones maliciosas de enjuiciamiento. Veamos qué constituye una persecución maliciosa en California, comenzando con la definición. Para comenzar, […]
How Much Does a Hit and Run Lawyer Cost?

How much does a hit and run lawyer cost in Los Angeles? Well, most car accident attorney’s work on a contingency basis. This means that they only get paid if you win your case or settle it out of court. Being involved in a hit and run definitely qualifies as something you want to talk […]
What is considered Reckless Driving in California?

Reckless driving is a misdemeanor in California. The legal definition of reckless driving is “driving a vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” In other words, it is driving with complete indifference to the consequences of one’s actions. Some examples of reckless driving include: speeding, swerving in and out […]
Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Kirakosian Law is proud to serve the Long Beach, CA area as your preferred car accident lawyers in the area and abroad. Long Beach car accidents are all too common. If you or a loved one have been involved in such an accident, it is important to know your legal rights and options. The Long […]
6 Things Car Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles Need to Ask on the First Call

Car accident lawyers in Los Angeles are a dime a dozen. And it makes sense when you consider how many accidents happen a day. And now, you have found yourself in the aftermath of an infamous L.A. car accident. What do you do? you get all necessary information from the accident scene (other driver information, […]
Distracted Driving Accidents in California

At least 1 out of 4 accidents occur in the U.S. from texting and driving, with nearly 390,000 injuries arising from drivers utilizing their phones while driving. Distracted driving or reckless driving is the number one cause of most accidents in California. If you are a victim of a car accident, it is a very […]
2022 Property Damage Attorney (Los Angeles) Checklist!

A property damage attorney in Los Angeles and in the state of California (laws vary from state to state) essentially assists with the legal process of property damage cases. In most instances, property damage is caused by the negligence of another person or company. The property owner then has the right to file a lawsuit […]