How to Report Police Misconduct in California – 2023

The Golden State shines bright in many ways, but unfortunately, not all experiences with law enforcement officers are positive and can cast a shadow of doubt over what you should and shouldn’t do. It’s very possible that in this day and age that you or someone you know has been a victim of some sort […]
The Difference Between Police Brutality and Excessive force? Are They The Same?

Police brutality and excessive force are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different things. Excessive force is a legal term that refers to the use of more force than is necessary for a given situation. In California, excessive force is defined in the state’s civil code as […]
How Much Can I Sue For Malicious Prosecution?

Malicious prosecution is a wrongful act that occurs when one party intentionally initiates a baseless or frivolous legal action against another, resulting in harm to the victim. It can be a devastating experience for the person who is targeted, causing significant emotional distress, financial losses, and damage to their reputation. If you or a loved […]
Labor Commissioner Rules in Favor of Truck Drivers in Employment Classification Suit

In April 2019, the California Labor Commissioner ruled in favor of truck drivers who were classified as independent contractors instead of employees by a trucking company operating at the Port of Long Beach. The Labor Commissioner found that the truckers were indeed employees and thus entitled to labor protections and compensation. Through this groundbreaking employment […]
Employment Law In California Means Proper Classification. Here’s Why.

As an employee, you may not always know whether you’re classified as an employee or an independent contractor – especially under Employment Law in California. However, the distinction is important because it determines your rights and protections under the law. In California, worker classification is determined by a set of criteria that takes into account […]
How California Defines Police Brutality

Police brutality is an important topic affecting communities’ safety and well-being nationwide. But can you define it? California law clearly defines this and other acts of misconduct by members of law enforcement. In this blog post, we aim to provide a comprehensive look at how police brutality is defined in California – from legal definitions […]
Are Civil Rights Lawyers Necessary?

If you are wondering if civil rights, police brutality and excessive force lawyers are necessary then the short answer is: absolutely. They are the experts you can turn to when it comes to cases of excessive force by the police and other civil rights abuses. They not only know the ins and outs of the […]
What is California Civil Code § 52.1 which is also known as the Bane Act?

Cal. Civ. Code § 52.1, also known as the Bane Act, is a California state law that provides a civil cause of action for victims of hate crimes, threats, intimidation, or coercion. The law is often used in cases of police brutality or excessive force, as these actions can be seen as a form of […]
What do I do after an altercation with the police in California?

If you have been involved in an altercation or confrontation with the police in California, whether or not you have a case will depend on the specific circumstances of the incident. In California, there are over 78,000 law enforcement officers, and on average, about 80 of them are arrested each year. Assault is the most […]
The Complete Guide to Malicious Prosecution in California – 2023 Edition

California is seeing a rise in malicious prosecution but the country as a whole is also experiencing similar statistics. In fact, the outcry and increase has even led to some landmark decisions that have changed how malicious prosecution cases work. Recently, Thompson v. Clark led to the court recognizing a claim for malicious prosecution under […]