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How to Start a Personal Injury Case by Filing a Complaint

How to Start a Personal Injury Case by Filing a Complaint

After a car accident or injury, the victim always has the option of trying to resolve their case with the wrongdoer or their insurance without filing a formal complaint.  However, this “pre-litigation” process is not the same as filing a complaint in Court. Anyone can ask for money or try and quickly settle a case.  […]

What is Police Misconduct & is it a Civil Rights Violation?

What is Police Misconduct & is it a Civil Rights Violation?

Police Misconduct in California Police misconduct includes a wide range of wrongful, illegal, or dishonest conduct by law enforcement officers that violate a person’s Civil Rights while carrying out their official duties. Instances of police misconduct include, but are not limited to: a wrongful arrest, excessive force, falsifying reports, police brutality, and sexual assault, including […]

How long it takes to settle a personal injury case

How long it takes to settle a personal injury case

You have been injured in an accident. Your hospital expenses are accumulating. And, you can’t work. It is a very stressful situation for the family and the accident victim. That’s why the goal of a personal injury lawyer is to resolve every case as effectively as possible so that their clients can move on in […]

Guidelines on Personal Injury Case Damages

Guidelines on Personal Injury Case Damages

Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind, or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. Personal injury laws are covered by tort laws, which means that these cases are heard in civil courts, rather than in criminal courts. There is an emphasis on financial restitution to the victim […]

Dealing with Home Insurance Companies: Tips from Greg

Dealing with Home Insurance Companies: Tips from Greg

After a natural calamity like a wildfire, hurricane, or earthquake, the last thing someone wants to think about is all they have lost. After the initial shock, however, and making sure that everyone is alright after the tragic events

Wrongful Termination: the Quick, No Nonsense Update

Wrongful Termination: the Quick, No Nonsense Update

Being fired from your job can be frustrating, confusing, and scary.  Making matters more confusing is that most employment in California is at will, which means that any employee can be fired at any time for any reason, or even no reason, with no warning, so long as the reason is not illegal.  However, there […]

California employment law in FIVE MINUTES

California employment law in FIVE MINUTES

As an employee in California, congratulations! According to most Employment lawyers in Los Angeles, California’s laws in terms of employment are some of the most favorable to workers across the country. Under California law, workers are granted many protections and rights that give them a sizeable weapon to use against an employer if they violate […]

Types of compensation in personal injury settlement

Types of compensation in personal injury settlement

If the actions of another person caused you damage, whether that is to your body as an injury, damage to your property, or other monetary loss, then you can seek compensation from them. Legally, this is referred to as “damages’’. In any case that a Bakersfield personal injury lawyer will try, damages are mostly in […]

Wage, Benefits, and Break Laws in California

Wage, Benefits, and Break Laws in California

As an employee, you spend almost half of your waking life at work, making your physical, mental, and emotional health heavily dependent on your working conditions. Due to this enormous effect that a workplace or employer can have on an employee’s life, the state offers numerous protections to make sure that every employee is treated […]

What to do right after a car accident in LA

What to do right after a car accident in LA

One of the most dangerous things we do daily is driving a car. We don’t realize it but the very act of driving involves piloting a huge hunk of metal at high speeds- it’s a wonder we don’t have more accidents. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, there are always going to be accidents. […]